
Detalles de la unidad

The Pharmacy Service is a Clinical Central Service which aims to ensure the quality, support and maximum benefit of the pharmacotherapeutic process for our patients. The pharmacy service can be considered a functional unit with a double role: on the one hand, resource management, and on the other hand, patient care.

In the Pharmacy Service, there are separate areas for:

  1. Logistics management

Procurement of medicines and medical supplies

Storage of medicines and medical supplies

Returning medicines

Control of medicine and medical supplies expiration dates

  1. Clinical and economic management

Economic management of medicines and medical supplies

Management of orders, delivery notes and invoices

Monthly analysis of the hospital’s medicine and medical supplies expenses

  1. Distribution

Distribution of medicines to floors through a UDDDS (unit dose drug distribution system)

Distribution of medicines and medical supplies through replacement kits

Dispensing of drugs to outpatients

  1. Preparation

Preparation of liquid pharmaceuticals: topical, oral, and rectal

  1. Evaluation of medicines

Selection of medicines and medical supplies for the hospital through the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee

Establishment of criteria for using medications

Design and development of therapeutic protocols

  1. Drug and medical supplies information center

Consultation for information on medicines and medical supplies

Therapeutic consultations

Information on drug interactions

Information on adverse drug effects

  1. Security

Management of drug alerts

Management of medical device alerts

Expiration alerts

Record of medication errors

Processing of yellow cards

Incident log

  1. Optimizing individualized therapy

Validation of electronic medical prescription

Evaluating drug interactions

Evaluating therapeutic duplications

  1. Participation in clinical committees and working groups

Pharmacy and Hospital Therapeutics Commission

Clinical-Therapeutic Concordance Commission

Transfusion and Blood Products Commission

Quality Commission

  1. Human resources

2 Pharmacy technicians

1 Specialist pharmacist in hospital pharmacy
